Understanding CUSIP Numbers: Complete Guide & Validation Tools

Comprehensive information about Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures (CUSIP) numbers, their structure, and validation tools for financial professionals.

What is a CUSIP Number?

A CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures) number is a unique nine-character alphanumeric identifier assigned to all stocks and registered bonds in the United States and Canada. Created by the American Bankers Association in 1964, CUSIP numbers serve as a standardized method for identifying financial securities.

CUSIP numbers are essential for:

  • Accurate trading and settlement of securities
  • Tracking ownership and transfers
  • Maintaining clear records in financial databases
  • Preventing confusion between similar securities

CUSIP Number Structure

The 9-digit CUSIP code consists of:

First 6 characters
Issuer identifier (unique to the company or entity)
Characters 7-8
Issue identifier (specific security type)
Character 9
Check digit (calculated using the Modulus 10 Double Add Double algorithm)

CUSIP Number Validator

Enter a 9-character CUSIP number to validate

Real-World CUSIP Examples

Apple Inc. Common Stock

  • 037833: Issuer identifier for Apple Inc.
  • 10: Issue identifier for common stock
  • 0: Check digit

Microsoft Corp. Common Stock

  • 594918: Issuer identifier for Microsoft
  • 10: Issue identifier for common stock
  • 4: Check digit

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I obtain a CUSIP number for my security?

CUSIP numbers are issued by CUSIP Global Services (CGS), operated by S&P Global Market Intelligence. You need to submit an application and pay the required fees. The process typically involves:

  1. Contacting CUSIP Global Services
  2. Completing the application form
  3. Providing required documentation
  4. Paying the applicable fees
Are CUSIP numbers used internationally?

While CUSIP numbers are primarily used in the United States and Canada, they are part of the larger ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) system. CUSIP numbers serve as the base for creating ISINs for North American securities.

Can a CUSIP number change?

Yes, CUSIP numbers can change in certain circumstances, such as:

  • Corporate actions (mergers, acquisitions)
  • Company name changes
  • Security restructuring
  • Changes in the nature of the security

Last updated: 2024-04-01


Data provided by CUSIP Global Services, a subsidiary of S&P Global Market Intelligence.